
Watch: CO Resident Kicked Out by City Council for ‘Misgendering,’ Attacking Law Allowing Criminals to Change Identities

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Christina Goeke was kicked out of a Colorado council meeting after she "misgendered" a drag queen while speaking out against a law that will allow transgender criminals to legally change their name.

Christina Goeke was kicked out of a Colorado council meeting after she "misgendered" a drag queen while speaking out against a law that will allow transgender criminals to legally change their name.

When convicted felons are allowed to change their name for “gender-affirming care,” you know the justice system is broken — if you didn’t know it already.

That’s what may be happening in Colorado.

HB 1071 is a bill being considered by the Colorado State House Judiciary Committee. If passed into law, it will be easier for convicted felons to legally change their names if they are seeking gender-affirming care, according to KUSA. If you think that’s a bad idea, too bad. Keep your mouth shut, or you might be accused of the crime of “misgendering.”

Just ask Christina Goeke, a Colorado resident who dared to show up at a public hearing to oppose “Tiara’s Law,” which would allow criminals who claim to be transgender to legally change their name.