
Elon Musk Weighs in on Biden Strategy: Get as Many Illegals into Country as Possible – Create Permanent Majority – A One-Party State

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Elon Musk weighed in on Joe Biden’s agenda.

News broke in January that Joe Biden will prioritize legal status for millions of illegal immigrants in the United States.

This comes after Joe Biden opened the borders and allowed over 10 million illegals from over a hundred countries to invade the United States. Republicans are still too afraid to impeach Biden for this criminal act.

The AP reported:

President-elect Joe Biden’s decision to immediately ask Congress to offer legal status to an estimated 11 million people in the country has surprised advocates given how the issue has long divided Democrats and Republicans, even within their own parties.

Biden will announce legislation his first day in office to provide a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants in the United States illegally,