
MAKES PERFECT SENSE: Biden Reportedly Loves MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ and Bases Decisions on What People Say on the Show

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Joe Biden reportedly loves MSNBC’s morning program ‘Morning Joe’ which makes perfect sense because the people on that show are about as smart as he is. Joe Scarborough and Mika are also two of the biggest Trump-haters on cable news, and that’s saying a lot.

Morning Joe used to be friendly to Trump, but something changed over the years and they have elevated Trump Derangement Syndrome to an art form.

They are now huge cheerleaders for Biden and all things Democrat. It’s really no wonder that Biden likes them.

Axios reported:

Inside Biden’s obsession with “Morning Joe”

When White House aides appear on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” they’re often booked between 7 and 7:40 a.m.