
TWO POLANDS: Farmers From ‘Solidarity’ Union Call For General Strike, Blockage of Ukraine Border – Globalist PM Tusk Bows to Brussels and Failed Climate Policies

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Two different Reuters dispatches show a growing disconnect between the people of Poland – as represented by the farmers and truckers – and the newly-installed Globalist-Eurocentric intelligentsia in Warsaw.

In many ways, Poland is moving against the nearly complete continental push to the rightwing-populist parties, as the returning PM Donald Tusk – accused by former PiS government of being a German ‘plant’ – came to power to implement the whole package of failed EU policies.

Read: Polish PM Tusk Doubles Down on Chasing Adversaries, Vows To Ignore Judicial Decision in Order To Prosecute Former Central Bank Governor

While the former president of the European Council Tusk is bowing to the crippling EU climate policies – and withdrawing the Polish court cases against Brussels – the farmers,