
“We’re Broke with Biden – We Weren’t with Trump” – Black Man at Barbershop Tells MSNBC “A LOT” of His Friends are Voting TRUMP (VIDEO)

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MSNBC hacks were left speechless during their latest report at a South Carolina barbershop.

One of the patrons told MSNBC “a lot” of his friends are voting for Trump.

But, wait! The fake news tells us the economy is strong and Joe Biden is great. Are they not being upfront with the American people?

MSNBC hack: There are some people in your orbit who are either voting for Donald Trump or considering it?

Young South Carolina voter: For sure. A lot of my friends are obviously my age, so we’re a little younger. We’ve only voted once for a president. And Trump is kind of all we know. And they’re kind of Trump and Biden,