
Colorado Democrat Introduces ‘Pet Tax’ for All Animals and It’s Worse Than You Think

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Source: Flicker

The state legislature has introduced a bill that could see a ‘pet tax’ imposed on every non-livestock animal in the state.

The bill, HB24-1163, sponsored by Democrat Regina English, requires all pet owners to register their animals in a state-run system, with fees that critics are calling exorbitant and unnecessary.

Draconian Measures Disguised as Welfare

The proposed Pet Animal Registration System under the ‘Pet Animal Registration Act’ stipulates annual registration for pets, with a sliding scale of fees that seems to punish those without the means to pay.

At $8.50 for pets with a designated caregiver, $16 for unneutered or unspayed pets with a caregiver, and a hefty $25 for pets without a caregiver,