
FIDUCIA SUPLICANS DEBACLE: 90 Catholic Clergymen, Scholars and Authors Publish Letter Urging Bishops and Cardinals To Oppose Document and Demand Pope Francis Withdraw It

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On the one hand, Globalist Pope Francis appears before the world as an ailing elder who is already planning his own funeral.

On the other hand, the Argentine pontiff is energetically going about reforming (some will say destroying) Catholic dogma and doctrine.

Read: Bishop Strickland Leads the Revolt Against Globalist Pope Francis – Conservative Catholics Won’t Incorporate His ‘Gay Couple Blessings’ in the Life of the Church

Lately, Francis has had to deal with a completely self-inflicted malady, resulting from the publication of Fiducia Suplicans, a document that has generated a historical, unprecedented rejection from prelates and lay people alike.

Francis will never admit that ‘Fiducia…’ is a failure of Biblical proportions,