
The Ron DeSantis Campaign Is Still Trying To Undermine President Trump From The Grave

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Photo: Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images

By Paul Ingrassia

Ron DeSantis officially suspended his failure-to-launch presidential campaign on January 21st following a distant second place finish in Iowa, where he used the opportunity to endorse Donald Trump.  However, unlike several other notable Republican candidates, such as Vivek Ramaswamy and Doug Burgum, who appeared alongside the 45th President after ending their own respective campaigns, DeSantis was notably absent on the campaign trail in both New Hampshire and Nevada.  This has fueled a firestorm of speculation that despite publicly endorsing Trump, DeSantis remained bitter behind closed doors – and, based on new revelations, may even be actively working to sabotage the 45th President from the sidelines.

This speculation obtained additional support from the actions of DeSantis’ top surrogates in the days following the formal suspension of their campaign: many of his most vocal and high-profile aides,