
Leo Hohmann: When the Stealth Invasion of America Goes Mainstream: And Nobody Cares

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This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission

You know we are in the final stages of an invasion when even the corporate media is reporting on the thousands of Chinese nationals streaming across the U.S. southern border.

CBS’s 60 Minutes reports that the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok is being used to aid and abet the invasion of America.

Chinese are using Tiktok to cross the U.S. Border.

Step-by-step instructions for hiring smugglers and detailed directions to that hole we visited. We were struck by just how orderly and routine it all seemed, 60 Minutes said.pic.twitter.com/BkNluACYip

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) February 5,