
Bill Melugin: Illegals from 73 Different Countries Invade San Diego in One Week Span

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On Monday, two SUVs drove up to a gap in the border wall near Jacumba, California, and dropped off a large group of illegal immigrants from China, Turkey, and India.

On Monday, two SUVs drove up to a gap in the border wall near Jacumba, California, and dropped off a large group of illegal immigrants from China, Turkey, and India.

Joe Biden’s America.

In just one week, over 8,650 illegal aliens from 73 different countries were caught in the San Diego sector of the southern border between January 31st and February 6th.

According to the CBP, the fastest-growing groups of illegals are Chinese.

Fox News reported:

Thousands of migrants have flooded through California’s southern border from 73 different countries over just one week, border patrol confirmed.

According to data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection – San Diego Border Patrol Sector, agents apprehended 8,659 illegal immigrants from 73 different countries over a one-week span between Jan. 31 and Feb. 6.

Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group trying to come to the United States,