
Rand Paul Blasts Mitch McConnell: “This Has Been a Ruse – He’s Working with Biden and Schumer to Funnel Your Money to Ukraine- He’s Using Minority of Big Government Republicans to Work with Democrats” (VIDEO)

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Sen. Rand Paul slams Mitch McConnell for working with Biden and Democrats to send your tax dollars to Ukraine.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) went off on the House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) following the embarrassing defeat today of the Democrats’ open borders bill and funding bonanza for Ukraine.

Senator Paul joined Laura Ingraham for a recap of today’s vote on the Ukraine funding – open border monstrosity.

Rand Paul accused McConnell of working with Biden and Schumer to send your tax dollars to Ukraine!

Sen. Rand Paul: From the beginning I think this has been a ruse. It hasn’t ever really been about the border. That was a token, that was a bone that was going to be thrown to conservatives.