
Michael Mann – the Scientist Behind the Debunked Global Warming Hockey Stick Model – Wins $1 Million from Mark Steyn in Defamation Case

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Back in 2009, leaked documents in the “Climategate Scandal” revealed the climate change scam to be exactly what many suspected – a massive scam, the Gateway Pundit reported on this scandal extensively when the reports first broke.

Christopher Booker of the Telegraph back in 2009 slammed the climate alarmists. He claimed the climate emergency was non-existent.

Dr. Michael Mann, the scientist who co-authored a famous graph of temperature trends known as the “hockey stick graph,” was implicated in the 2009 global warming email scandal, which the Gateway Pundit reported on at the time.

Michael Mann’s famous and fraudulent hockey stick graph.

This same Dr. Michael Mann, in 2012,