
Powder Keg America: Maduro’s Venezuela Is Massing Troops and Military Equipment Near Guyana’s Border – Exxon Mobile To Start Drilling New Areas, May Escalate Tensions

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In the last few years, the world became much more dangerous and geopolitically unstable, and suddenly, all over the world, long-recognized borders between states are being redrawn by force.

Take South America, for example – a region that is poor but relatively peaceful.

Read: Guyana on High Alert Against Maduro’s Invasion Threat – Referendum’s Turnout Is Said To Have Been Very Low – Venezuelan Voters Also Allegedly Rejected Arbitration by International Court

Although it did have seven military confrontations caused by territorial disputes in the Twentieth Century, peace has reigned in the last 30 years.

Not anymore.

The Venezuelan socialist dictatorship, emboldened by the feeble Biden regime in the US,