
Texas GOP Censures RINO House Speaker Dade Phelan for Impeaching AG Ken Paxton

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The Texas GOP on Saturday officially censured House Speaker Dade Phelan for impeaching Attorney General Ken Paxton.

The final vote was 55 in favor, 4 opposed, and 4 abstentions.

“The Republican Party of Texas officially censured Representative Dade Phelan today, imposing the full set of penalties allowed by the rules, for lack of fidelity to Republican principles and priorities. Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas allows the party to censure elected officials who violate Republican Party of Texas principles and priorities three times or more in a given biennium. The censure of Rep. Phelan details five such instances on issues such as the impeachment of Ken Paxton, Democrat Committee Chairs, border security, and educational freedom.” the Texas GOP said in a press release.