
DHS Secretary Mayorkas Tells NBC Hack: “We Don’t Bear Responsibility” for Open US Border and 11 Million Illegal Alien Invasion

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How is it possible that Republicans cannot impeach this rotten, destructive man?

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas joined Kristen Welker on Meet the Press on Sunday to discuss the Biden open borders invasion at the US southern border.

During the interview Secretary Mayorkas, a serial liar, told Welker “We don’t bear responsibility” for the open US border and the 11 million illegals who have invaded the US under their watch.

“Do you bear responsibility for what is happening at the border?”

MAYORKAS: “We don’t bear responsibility” pic.twitter.com/rCdwOIAIAX

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 11, 2024

Of course, this latest disgusting lie by Alejandro Mayorkas is part of The Democrat’s Nine Point Plan to blame Joe Biden’s border crisis on Republicans and Donald Trump.