
DESPICABLE: Senate Passes $95 Billion Package with Ukraine Aid and NO Border Funding as America Sleeps – Here Are the 22 Republicans Who Voted to Put America Last

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Credit: CSPAN 2

The Senate early Tuesday passed a massive $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan with no border funding while almost all Americans were sound asleep. The final vote came after conservatives mounted an all-night filibuster led by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), which stopped just after 5 a.m.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the Senate found the bill so urgent that they invoked cloture on Super Bowl Sunday by a 67-27 vote. 18 GOPers voted to sell America out to foreign interests.

TGP previously noted the package includes a whopping $60 Billion for Ukraine and $14 Billion for Israel. The other money goes toward “humanitarian” assistance for Gaza and the West Bank,