
Biden Expresses Outrage as Alejandro Mayorkas Becomes First Cabinet Secretary to Face Impeachment in Nearly 150 Years

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(DHS photo by Tia Dufour)

In a razor-thin and historic vote, the House of Representatives has impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, with a tally of 214 to 213.

This unprecedented action makes Mayorkas the first cabinet member to be impeached in nearly a century and a half, and the first sitting cabinet secretary ever to face impeachment.

The impeachment resolution, known as H. Res. 863, charges Secretary Mayorkas with high crimes and misdemeanors. The allegations within the resolution include a “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” concerning the enforcement of U.S. border policy, and a “breach of public trust,” setting a dramatic stage in the House.

The vote comes on the heels of last week’s report by The Gateway Pundit,