
POLL: Trump Still Dominates With 65% of Support in Nikki Haley’s Home State of South Carolina Ahead of February 24 Primary – Trump MORE THAN DOUBLES Haley in New Poll

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A new CBS/YouGov poll, conducted February 5-10, shows President Trump with an increasing lead in South Carolina, where Nikki Haley used to be governor.

The South Carolina Primary Election is slated for February 24.

Only 20% of likely GOP Primary voters say they are more likely to vote for Haley because she is from the state. Trump’s approval rating as president is more than 20 points higher than Nikki Haley’s approval rating as governor at 82% to 60%.

Trump is up from a recent January 24-26 poll, where he held 43% of the support from primary voters compared to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ 28%. DeSantis departed from the race on January 21 and endorsed Trump.