
(WATCH) Ben Bergquam: Unbelievable Footage of Illegal Alien Camp on US Soil in Arivaca, Arizona

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RAV correspondent Ben Bergquam’s reporting on the No More Deaths camp, which houses illegal immigrants and helps the Cartels smuggle illegals into the United States, shows how the open-borders group has been operating for years.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, O’Keefe Media Group recently shined more light on the No Mas Muertes or No More Deaths organization, which appears to house cartel members and facilitate human smuggling in southern Arizona.

WATCH: O’Keefe Exposes Nonprofit ‘No Mas Muertes’ Likely Facilitating Cartel Members’ Human Smuggling to Phoenix – Undercover Journalist Held AT GUNPOINT!

Prior to this, Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam exposed the organization for aiding and abetting the illegal aliens and cartels invading Arizona’s southern border.