
PANIC: Liberal Journal ‘The Atlantic’ Says Democrats Need to Replace Joe Biden ‘Now’

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People on the left swing back and forth between defending Biden and saying that he needs to step down.

At the liberal journal, ‘The Atlantic’ they have made their position pretty clear. They want Democrats to replace Biden right now.

It doesn’t sound like they’re very confident in his chances in November.

“Biden is putting his self-regard ahead of the good of the country. As a result, both he and his party are badly undermining the most compelling rationale of the 2024 campaign, which is the need to do everything possible to prevent Trump from returning.” https://t.co/0SG7qDkBU7

— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) February 13, 2024

From The Atlantic:

Democrats Should Pick a New Presidential Candidate Now

The Democratic Party is heading into the 2024 election with a presumptive nominee who may well be incapable of defeating former President Donald Trump.