
Massachusetts Dem Senator Ed Markey Pushes Bill That Could Prevent Churches From Using Armed Security

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Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) is pushing legislation that could prevent churches from protecting themselves with armed security. In the House, this was pushed by Democrat Hank Johnson, who famously suggested that Guam could tip over if too many people were there.

It doesn’t matter how bad crime gets, Democrats continue to push for Americans to be disarmed.

Just last week, there was a shooting at Lakewood Church in Texas.

So now, at a time when more churches are probably considering armed security, Democrats are pushing this. Unreal.

Breitbart News reports:

Senate Democrats Push Bill That Could Prevent Churches From Having Armed Security

Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) is pushing legislation that could prevent churches around the country from using a “security services unit” comprised of concealed carriers in congregations,