
Tucker Carlson, Episode 75: The National Security State and Its Drive for Censorship in the United States with Mike Benz (Video)

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On Friday, Tucker Carlson invited Mike Benz from the Director of The Foundation for Freedom Online to discuss how the Western defense and foreign policy establishment created, used, and then turned against the concept of free speech on the internet.

Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz, the Director of The Foundation for Freedom Online, on the censorship industrial complex.

Mike Benz told Tucker about the point in time when the Western powers decided that concept of free speech on the internet was a danger to the future of the world order.

Mike Benz:  In 2014, after the coup in Ukraine, there was an unexpected counter coup where Crimea and the Donbass broke away. And they broke away with essentially a military backstop that NATO was highly unprepared for at the time.