
EXCLUSIVE FOIA RELEASE: Iranian Regime Interfered in 2020 Presidential Election the Week Before Election – Chris Krebs Kept This from Congress During Testimony

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Recently, investigative journalist Yehuda Miller received several FOIA documents that completely redefine what we were told to believe about the 2020 US presidential election.

The election was billed by the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, the mainstream media, and former CISA Chief Chris Krebs as the most secure election in US history.

Chris Krebs, the former CISA Director fired by Donald Trump, testified before Congress on December 16, 2020, after he was fired. Krebs was called to testify before the US Senate Homeland Security Governmental Affairs Committee.

Krebs famously announced that day, “The 2020 election was the most secure in US history.”

But was 2020 really the most secure election in US history?