
Engoron’s $350+ Million Verdict Against President Trump Spells Doom for Business in New York, Ending Free Enterprise and Opening the Floodgates for Socialism in the Financial Capital of the World

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New York, once the financial capital of the free world, a city that epitomized the best of American ingenuity and capitalism, dealt itself a fatal blow with last week’s verdict against President Trump that would have him pay in excess of $350 million simply for having politics deemed forbidden by a rogue judge acting out the shrieking orders of a vindictive Attorney General.  It is a tragic indictment of the Empire State – and really, America’s ongoing political crisis overall – that arguably its proudest son and most prolific developer since Robert Moses would be cannibalized by the legal matrix of a state now defined by its shrinking population, unmanageable illegal alien crisis, and skyrocketing crime that complements its equally skyrocketing cost of living.