
G20 Foreign Ministers Gather in Rio as Group’s Relevance in Defusing Tensions Is Put to the Test

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The G20 has the potential to defuse international tensions, being a group that unifies the G7 Western powers and most of the BRICS nations representing the multipolar world.

It represents 85% of the global GDP, 75% of global trade, and two-thirds of the world population. It is perhaps the perfect forum – other than the UN – to discuss world tensions and ways to improve multilateral organizations.

However, as Foreign Ministers gather in sunny, unbearably hot Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this potential does not seem primed to operate in the near term.

With continued fighting between Russia and Ukraine, the war in Gaza, and various other hot spots around the world, diplomats are not optimistic an upgrade in global governance will advance easily within the group of the world’s largest economies.