
Exclusive: One-on-One with Kash Patel on the Missing Trump Binder – Where Did it Go? Who Has It? – Plus the Latest on the Russiagate Investigation, Gina Haspel, Biden’s Classified Documents, and More with TGP’s Jim Hoft

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Kash Patel joins Jim Hoft to discuss the latest developments on Russiagate and more.

Attorney, author, and esteemed Russiagate investigator Kash Patel sat down with The Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft this week to discuss the latest reports on the Russiagate investigation.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Kash earlier in the week, hoping to get his reaction to the latest Substack reports on the Russiagate scandal by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag.

The three investigators made headlines earlier this month with their series of reports on the Russiagate scandal to get Trump.

Kash Patel led the original investigation in Congress when then Rep. Devin Nunes hired him to investigate the Deep State’s lawless investigation and attempted coup against candidate and then President Trump.