
Michigan State Board Members Warn State Homeschool Registration List is a Precursor to “Unwarranted Home Entry”

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The State Board of Education in Michigan meeting on Feb 13th, 2024 raised concerns about registration lists for homeschooled parents

The government loves putting people on “lists.”  They want a list of the vaccinated.  A list of gun-owners.  A list of individuals who make purchases involving the terms “MAGA” and “Trump”.  And now, in Michigan, legislators and the attorney general are pushing for a list of parents who homeschool their children.  But even more Orwellian, the dog-whistle is the possibility of “warrantless searches” for those who decide to homeschool their children in the Great Lakes State, according to one State Board of Education member.

On February 13th, the Michigan State Board of Education met for their monthly meeting.