
More Gaslighting and Lies: Joe Biden Blasts Trump for Comparison to Russian Dissident Navalny — That Was Made by Navalny

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Victims of political persecution: President Donald Trump and Russian dissident Alexei Navalny

Joe Biden flew to California for a fundraiser on Wednesday night with rich California liberals.

Biden’s speech was not broadcast but segments of the speech are being released.

According to Scripps News Joe Biden attacked Vladimir Putin, calling him a “crazy SOB.”

Joe Biden also attacked President Trump for comparing himself to Russian dissident Alexei Navalny who reportedly died in a Russian prison earlier this week.

Biden allegedly questioned President Trump’s mental fitness for comparing himself to Alexei Navalny. Trump allegedly said, like Navalny, he, too, is being persecuted by a communist or fascist government.

President Biden called the accusation a ludicrous notion and went on to say,