
Friday Night Video Splurge — Ukraine On The Ropes

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U.S. policy in Ukraine is in tatters and the Biden Administration is flailing about like a drowning man. I have several videos that should be viewed if you’re in the mood to binge that tell the story in an entertaining fashion. And it is not just me talking. You’ll hear from John Mearsheimer, Andrei Martyanov and Ray McGovern. I also want to introduce you to a Mr. Orfalea. More about his later.

First up, Andrei Martyanov and I were interviewed Wednesday by Dmitri Simes Jr. on his channel, New Rules. We focused on the military situation in Ukraine and, if I do say so my self, did a damn fine job!!

A good companion piece is a shocking development — PBS actually allowed John Mearsheimer on the News Hour where he obliterated the Ukraine is winning narrative.