
“Uncommitted” Democrat Voters in Michigan Plan to Vote for Trump in General Election

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In a protest against Joe Biden’s policies on the war in Gaza, many Democrats in Michigan are voting “uncommitted” in the Democratic presidential primary.

The protest is being led by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who, according to NBC, in the days leading up to the primary, sent robocalls to 87,000 residents in Michigan urging them to vote “uncommitted” in the primary.

On Tuesday morning, Rep. Tlaib posted a video explaining why she voted uncommitted and refused to vote for Biden.


A statement from @RashidaTlaib on voting uncommitted in Michigan today. pic.twitter.com/xOfOcYTFQn

— #ListenToMichigan (@Listen2michigan) February 27, 2024

Despite Tlaib using the protest to send a message to Biden to change his policies,