
Bereaved J6 Parent Ed Lang Protests Outside DC Courthouse After 3 Years of His Son’s Incarceration Without Trial – And Now His Son Has Gone Missing in the System (VIDEO)

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J6 Parent Ed Lang protests corrupt Biden Regime after his son who has been held in prison for 3 years without trial goes missing in the prison system.

US Marshals transferred J6 political prisoners Ryan Samsel and Jake Lang from the DC Gulag earlier this month to an undisclosed location, and no one knows where they are.

Jail guards forced Samsel and Lang to adhere to a temperature check around 7 pm the night before their move, a typical indication that within hours, any semblance of normalcy would be torpedoed, and they would be mysteriously transferred to another jail in another state.

At approximately 4 am in the morning, Samsel and Lang were chained and shackled in black box cuffs and thrown on a bus and were provided no information about where they would be taken.