
Air Force Employee Indicted For Giving Classified Intel on Ukraine to Woman on Foreign Dating App

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A 63-year-old Air Force employee was indicted for giving classified information on Ukraine to a person claiming to be a woman on a foreign dating app from February 2022 until April 2022.

David Franklin Slater of Nebraska, a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, transmitted the classified material to a ‘woman’ who referred to him as her “secret informant love” and her “secret agent.”

According to the indictment, Slater attended USSTRATCOM briefings regarding Russia’s war against Ukraine that were classified up to TOP SECRET//SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION (TS//SCI).

“Slater then transmitted classified NDI that he learned from those briefings via the foreign online dating website’s messaging platform to his co-conspirator, who claimed to be a female living in Ukraine on the foreign dating website,” the DOJ said.