
VA Secretary McDonough Responds To Report Agency Tried to Ban Iconic WWII Kiss Photo for Depicting “Non-Consensual Act”

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A recent memo from Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Operations RimaAnn O. Nelson called for the removal of the iconic V-J Day kiss photo from all VA health facilities because of its depiction of “a non-consensual act.”

The photo, taken by journalist Alfred Eisenstaedt in New York City on Aug. 14, 1945, captures the joy and relief of Americans as they celebrated Japan’s surrender at the end of World War II.

EndWokeness shared the memo from Nelson on X.


The Department Of Veterans Affairs just BANNED the V-J Day kiss photo from all department facilities.

“To promote a culture of inclusivity and awareness… your cooperation is vital.” pic.twitter.com/MZfNHbpV76

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 5,