
TEXAS MAGA BLOWOUT! Brendan Gill Wins Decisively in Texas District 26 Despite Millions Spent Against Him by Deep State Dark Money Groups (VIDEO)

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Texas District 26 candidate Brandon Gill joins Steve Bannon after his dominating win in the TX primaries.

Texas District 26 candidate Brandon Gill dominated his race last night in the Texas primaries. It was another sweeping win for MAGA and a HUGE loss for the elitist Rove-Bush branch of the party.

Gill won 58.4% of the vote – enough to ward off a runoff election. This was quite a feat in a primary election with 11 candidates!

This was not easy. In the race for the deep red Republican Texas 26th open Congressional seat, DC Dark Money Super PACs America Leads Action, Inc. launched a $1.1 million ad spend in false lies against Trump-endorsed candidate Brandon Gill.