
WATCH: O’Keefe Investigates Illegal Immigrant Compound at Ramada Hotel in San Diego – Security Guards Nearly Attack Him With Pepper Spray for Exposing Chain in Human Smuggling Operation!

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James O’Keefe’s latest undercover reporting in San Diego, California, exposes another illegal immigrant safehouse hotel operated by the government, nonprofits, and Ramada hotels.

The Biden Regime is actively aiding and abetting the invasion by operating secret charter flights to transport illegal immigrants from foreign airports to various U.S. cities.

Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam was the first to report on this treason last week after he discovered “15-acre facilities” in the Darién gap between Colombia and Panama that the United States is using to process and smuggle illegals into the United States before they even reach the border.

As The Gateway Pundit reported last month, O’Keefe also investigated the secret Casa Alitas illegal immigrant housing compound at the Ramada Inn in Tucson,