
Illegal Alien Spotted Wearing Biden-Harris 2020 T-Shirt – “I Have it on so They Can Let Me In” (VIDEO)

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We finally found a person who is proudly wearing a ‘Biden-Harris’ t-shirt – and it’s an illegal alien!

A Honduran illegal crossed into Eagle Pass, Texas wearing a Biden-Harris 2020 t-shirt.

The illegal, who crossed the border on Joe Biden’s open border invitation, told Fox News that he’s wearing the t-shirt “so they can let me in.”

“It’s the president and vice president of the United States! I have it on so they can let me in,” the illegal alien from Honduras shouted.


NEW: Honduran migrant crossed in Eagle Pass wearing a Biden-Harris 2020 shirt telling us “… I have it on so they can let me in.” @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/9Pg1HIqrBb

— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) March 7,