
LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Joe Biden’s SOTU Tonight at 9 PM ET – Wants to Promote “Freedom” Theme as He Works to Lock Up Trump and Persecute Trump Supporters

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The State of the Union is Chaos.

Joe Biden is delivering his State of the Union Speech tonight before Congress.
There has not been much hype by the mainstream lapdog media about Biden’s upcoming speech for some reason.

They can only push their lies so much before absolutely everyone turns them off.

Actor James Woods best described what to expect from tonight’s speech.

The man behind the mask in tonight’s State of the Union charade is this angry foul creature below.

He will dodge all responsibility for the border catastrophe that is solely his doing. He will ignore the inflation crippling American families. He will blame the gang violence… pic.twitter.com/TLvb6zt11c

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 7,