
Immigration Attorney Maria Herrera Mellado Calls on US Government to Create an Office to Investigate Immigration Fraud “Because It’s Rampant” (VIDEO)

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Earlier today, Maria Herrera Mellado was on FOX News Radio with hosts Sean Duffy and his wife Rachel Campos Duffy.

Maria is a practicing and licensed attorney in the US and Spain. Maria has experience as a consultant and advisor to Hispanic America politicians as well as corporate officers, investors and entrepreneurs.

On Friday Maria Mellado discussed the lack of seriousness and morals by many attorneys working today with migrants particularly illegal migrants entering the United States.

Maria Herrera Mellado: Even us as immigration attorneys. We took a note an oath to defend this nation. We took an oath to defend the Constitution. And I don’t find a way, I don’t see how you can release people without even conducting a credible fear interview.