
New York City’s Metropolitan Opera Goes Woke: Adds Trigger Warning to Giacomo Puccini’s “Turandot” for “Appropriation”

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Giacomo Puccini’s operatic masterpiece “Turandot.”

Nothing is above the woke police, not even a Giacomo Puccini operatic masterpiece.

Turandot, which is set in ancient China, is about the Prince of Tartary, Calaf, who falls in love with a Chinese Princess, Turandot. In order to win the right to marry her, Calaf must answer three riddles.  If he fails, he will be executed. which, if failed, will lead to his execution.

Although Puccini died in 1924, leaving the opera unfinished at the time of his death in 1924, the music was posthumously completed by Franco Alfano and debuted in 1926.

Program notes on the New York Metropolitan Opera’s website, however, call “Turandot” a “problematic masterpiece” that co-opts,