
Liberal Paradise: Calif. Woman, 96, Murdered While Preparing Cookies for Own Birthday

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From left: Victoria Alberts; Pauline Macareno; Ricardo Martin Del Campo; Henry Rostomyan; and Harry Basmadjian.

From left: Victoria Alberts; Pauline Macareno; Ricardo Martin Del Campo; Henry Rostomyan; and Harry Basmadjian.

The Golden State seems to be losing its luster as the paradise that it built itself on being is no longer the same as it once was.

Instead, California has become a state of crime and lawlessness pushed forward by Democratic leaders who are unwilling to hold criminals accountable and take the measures necessary to deter crime in the first place.

And that means the state has countless victims, like Violet Alberts, a 96-year-old woman who was murdered on May 27, 2022, but the details of the crime are only now coming to light.

According to KTLA-TV in Los Angeles, Alberts’ was found by her caretakers in the wealthy Santa Barbara neighborhood where she lived among celebrities like “Oprah Winfrey,