
Madonna Scolds Fan for Not Standing During LA Concert Before Noticing Fan is in Wheelchair

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During a show in Los Angeles Thursday night for during her “Celebration Tour, ” singer Madonna scolded a fan who wasn’t standing and cheering with the crowd.

“What are you doing sitting down over there? What are you doing sitting down?” Madonna asked.

She then walked to the edge of the stage to get closer to the fan as the crowd, at least for a moment, cheered her scolding.

Then she realized her cringeworthy mistake.  The fan was in a wheelchair.

“Oh, OK. Politically incorrect. Sorry about that,” Madonna said after the realizing her insensitive gaff. “I’m glad you are here.”

Adding, “Oh, my God,” in an unserious Valley Girl accent.

Madonna calls out fan in wheelchair for not standing during concert Image: @popbrains/X

