
Turkey’s Erdogan Says Country ‘Firmly’ Backs Hamas Terrorists, Likens Netanyahu to Hitler

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On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that his country “firmly backs” terror organization Hamas amid the ongoing war with Israel in the Gaza Strip.

Further, he likened Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his administration to Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.

The Times of Israel reports:

“No one can make us qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization,” he said in a speech in Istanbul. “Turkey is a country that speaks openly with Hamas leaders and firmly backs them.”

Hamas is listed as a terror organization by the US, Israel, the UK, the European Union, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries.

In October, Erdogan claimed that Hamas was “not a terrorist organization” but “a group of mujahideen defending their lands.” “Mujahideen” is an Arabic term for those engaged in jihad,