
Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger? Evidence Confirms GA SOS Team Illegally Recorded Trump Call, Promoted a Fraudulent Transcript, Sent it to WaPo, Then Trashed the Audio – Now He’s Caught!

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A new report at The Federalist confirmed The Gateway Pundit’s reporting from over a year ago that Brad Raffensperger’s office most certainly committed a crime in January 2021 during the Georgia Secretary of State’s office phone call with President Trump in late December 2020.

On February 21, 2023, Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit discovered that Jordan Fuchs, Georgia’s Deputy Secretary of State in 2020, who was on the December 2020 call with President Trump, taped the call from Florida without announcing it.

This was a criminal act since Florida is a two-party consent state.  You must notify an individual before you record them in Florida.  Jordan Fuchs did not do that when she recorded President Trump speaking with Raffensperger’s team.