
“Audit the CDC,” Dr. McCullough Blows the Lid on the VAERS Cover-up and Bill Gates’s Scheme to Dupe You (VIDEO)

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Serious concerns are being raised about the CDC and its lack of investigations into the Covid vaccine adverse reactions. Dr. Peter McCullough is calling for an audit of the CDC investigative practices.

This month, the CDC quietly lifted its isolation guidelines from 5 days to 24 hours after fever-free. It is no coincidence this is the same guidelines for the Flu and the common cold. The removal of a 5-day isolation protocol serves as an admission that the CDC got it wrong when it comes to its lockdowns and mandates.

The most troubling piece of news to emerge relating to the Covid response cover-up is the involvement of Bill Gates. The gates foundation is now claiming the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System amounts to “mis-information.” Gates and his propagandists are pushing for a name change to VAERS,