
Top White House Official Accused of ‘Classic Me Too’ Behavior, But His Connection with Jill Biden Makes Him ‘Untouchable’: Report

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first lady Jill Biden being interviewed on "Morning Joe"

first lady Jill Biden being interviewed on "Morning Joe"

Insiders are leaking that a top White House official has engaged in unprofessional conduct but that his position as first lady Jill Biden’s top aide has made him “untouchable,” according to a new report.

According to the New York Post, “sources with firsthand knowledge” say Biden’s top aide, Anthony Bernal, the openly gay man who is famously being tagged as the first lady’s “work husband,” has engaged in bullying of employees and verbally and sexually harassed colleagues for more than a decade.

Despite this, the report states, not a thing has been done about it all.

One claim, for instance maintains that Bernal has repeatedly talked about comparing the penis sizes of those in his office,