
Former Capitol Police Officer Gonell Aquilino Posts Veiled Threat Against J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang – “Hopes” Brooklyn Prisoners Find Out Jake Is Vulnerable and In Their Facility

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Earlier this week January 6 political prisoner Jake Lang sent out a request to supporters to call the Brooklyn MDC Prison and to rejoin him and Ryan Samsel to the same “non gang affiliated unit” at the Brooklyn Prison for their own safety.

Two weeks ago the Biden regime moved these too abused prisoners to Brooklyn from the DC Gulag.

Both men have faced unprecedented abuse at the hands of prison guards, Biden officials, and DC judges.

Jake Lang has been in prison for OVER THREE YEARS without trial. This is a serious criminal act that violates the US Constitution.

Jake was asking supporters to make this call:

Brooklyn MDC Prison: 718-840-4200

Email Brooklyn MDC Prison at [email protected]

This request was posted on several social media outlets.