
TYRANNY: Right-Wing Activist Sentenced to Prison in Belgium for “Hate Speech” Over Memes

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Credit: @EvaVlaar

Freedom of speech on a global scale for legal residents continues to evaporate while leftist governments welcome foreign invaders with open arms. Just ask former Flemish Parliamentarian and right-wing activist Dries Van Langenhove.

The 30-year-old Van Langenhove is the founder and leader of the Flemish nationalist youth organization Schild & Vrienden, which wants the Dutch-speaking region of Flanders to separate from the rest of Belgium.

As Breitbart reported, Van Langenhove was allegedly involved in a private Facebook group that is alleged to have shared racist memes and messages as well as expressing sympathy for Nazi ideology. It is illegal in Belgium to deny or celebrate the Holocaust.

The outlet goes on to reveal a Belgian court in Ghent ruled that the chat jokes of the private groups chats resemble “Nazi ideology” and ‘White Supremacy.” Judge Jan Van den Berghe said that Van Langenhove wanted “to undermine democratic society.”

“The defendant raved about Nazi ideology,