
HAITI HELL: Rebel Leader ‘Barbecue’ Threatens Politicians Taking Part of ‘Transition Council’ After PM Henry Resignation

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Just as soon as Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry offered to resign, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken met with Caribbean leaders of CARICOM to institute a ‘transition council’ to take unelected, ‘provisional’ power after Henry.

Many other political groups are already jockeying for positions, as the highly corrupt political class aims to remain in power.

There was just one problem with their plans as divulged by the MSM, I wrote yesterday (14):

“What is notable in the Politico report is that nothing is said about rebel gang leader Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Chérizier, who controls the heavily armed men who are in charge of things on the ground.

It’s not like he is not a force to be reckoned with.”
