
MIC DROP! Benny Johnson Destroys and Humiliates Leftwing Streamer Who Called Donald Trump “Demonic” on Live TV (VIDEO)

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From left: Piers Morgan, Destiny, Benny Johnson, and Sri Harsha

In a recent explosive episode of “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” Piers Morgan hosted a panel that resulted in a heated debate featuring political ideologies from across the spectrum.

The panel included Destiny, a leftwing commentator, Benny Johnson, a MAGA conservative, and Sri Harsha, a libertarian voice.

Tensions rose when Destiny referred to former President Donald Trump as “demonic,” a comment that sparked immediate outrage from Benny Johnson. Johnson, defending Trump, argued fervently against Destiny’s characterization, citing what he views as Trump’s efforts to combat human smuggling and bring peace to the world.

Here’s the transcript of Benny Johnson’s response:

“I particularly take quite a bit of umbrage with the description of Donald Trump as demonic.