
TikTok is a Tailored, Mass Psychosis Delivery Platform

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Dr. Robert Malone started using the term “mass psychosis” to explain the breakdown of sanity in America with the 2020 Wuhan virus.  Dr. Malone and others were pilloried by the elite press for this term which created a volcanic and choreographed response from the self-appointed gatekeepers of truth, especially after Dr. Malone’s seminal appearance on, “The Joe Rogan Experience, Episode 1757” in December 2021.

As one narrative after another in regard to Wuhan, Covid, and the Vaccine collapses, I’m hoping that such counter-attack dogs are preparing statements of apology to Dr. Malone and all Americans, but I’m not holding my breath.  Some states have returned to relative normalcy, while other states such as Washington, Oregon,